Tagged: organisation

Sharpening the Saw?

I was looking at a free javascript book online, which has been reccommended in a couple of places recently. I go to bookmark it in pinboard and discover its already there-- from 2011. So it's 4 years layter, and I haven't looked at it.

This is the problem-- not storing stuff for later, but actually actively using what'ss in my external brain, actually reading and working through stuff. The time allocation should be probably 85% reading/working and 15% searching. Seriously.

I think sometimes I spend more time researching ways to sharpen the saw than I do actually sharpening it-- but I spend no time using it, and little time thinking what to use it on.

Need to

  1. use the saw, then
  2. sharpen it (find ways to be more efficient/get more out of 1), then
  3. worry about more efficient ways of doing 2, then
  4. worry about more effcient ways of doing 3.... and so on

This is Englebarts hierarchy, I think.

Tags: organisation

Date created: 2016-01-09