Wot a day!!
oh lordy!!
I had lots of fun!
Date created: 2011-03-12
Information is person-al
Perhaps inspired by Google circles?
I like the notion of arranging projects/interests/topics by people you're engaged with/woould like to be engaged with/would liek to learn from.
Information is personal, in people, not in books. Books are the factory, instantiating knowledge in people.
So for each:
- what i want to learn from them
- what i can share
- how closely i want to be engaged, when
It's not only about the social, in fact, the point of the group is pursuing the project, but the social helps to keep me engaged in the project as well.
Date created: 2011-07-16
Ipad and "distraction free writing"
The truth is not in the lack of geegaws/distractions-- that twitter and safari just a tap click away.
It's the light weight mental model the apps provide-- they hide all the underlying issues beneath the apps, and pretty much prevent inter app communications. There's no file system to think about. The model is simpler, and gives more head space for thinking about what you're doing. The iPad takes up less space mentally as well as physically -- so it's more pleasant to use.
There's probably something pertinent in Nicholas Carr?
I love mine. My computers have names but it feels like work to use them in a way it doesn't for the iPad-- even though the iPad is a lot less efficient at a lot of things. I forgive it because it keeps things simple.
Teaching sophisticated use is hard, because different levels require more understanding of what the machine is doing. Think file formats, etc.
Everything you can't do makes what you can do better.
tgs: computing