Kids blog
We went to America to visit family for a month, and I wanted a way for my kids (10 and 8) to post about their trip to their family and friends here in Australia.
So I built a little blogging engine, as you do.
They decided what to say and show, and I helped them post.
I'm quite happy with the system. Posting is just adding a markdown file to a Dropbox folder. Images can be uploaded by running a shortcut on the iPhone, which resizes and moves them to the right place. The system maintains and index and updates the front page automatically.
Tags: apps
Date created: 2015-06-02
I'm reading the internet...
So in the days of newspapers, did you read the highway system? No you didn't.
The internet is not a thing; it's a way of getting to all the things. So you're actually reading a bunch of sites, or voices, or people, or corporations. Everything that's right/wrong with the internet is what's right/wrong with those sites. So you need to tune your sources.
"The internet" has become the word we use to capture the unfathonable multiplicity of sources that are now available to us. And, not surprisingly, most of them take on the character of late industrial capitialism; shallow, crappy, attention and money seeking.
But you choose the sites you visit, you choose your own Internet. Your internet coexists with everyone else's. That's what makes it the Internet.
Tags: internet