Software I depend on:
- vim
- git
I'm tending towards platform independent software.
I use these web services:
- dropbox
- pinboard for bookmarks
- bandcamp for music-- I believe in paying artists
- soundcloud for sharing the occasional sound thing
- patreon for supporting work I believe in
- instagram for sharing the very occasional visual thing, which seems no longer to be the point of it
- vimeo for sharing the very occasional moving picture
- github for sharing bits of code
- fever (self hosted replacement for Google Reader, no longer supported)
- facebook because people I want to connect with use it
- lines is a wonderful place
- muffwiggler has good info, but I don't hang out there (the obsessive phase is behind me)
- boardgamegeek has great info
I used to use:
- Google Reader
- Instapaper
- Twitter
- feed was handy though mostly as a backchannel at conferences. I'm not interested in broadcasting grunts.
- tagging things to read later sounds good, but the dopamine rush was always greater in tagging the new, rather than reading it, so I stopped pretending. Twitter favourites were replaced years ago, so the link doesn't even work any more anyway.
- and now it's X? I don't care anymore...
- flickr was good for sharing kid pics with family overseas.
I thought this was a good idea, but never really used it: