Indyweb (draft)

There's been a recent flurry of activity around the Indyweb (Indieweb?)

Since the announcement of Google Reader's impending demise, there's been quite a lot of internetention to Indyweb ideas.

Here's some that I found useful or nicely put.

Douglas Rushkoff is quitting facebook

Marco Arment,speaking about email says

You must own any data that's irreplaceable to you.

and in Own Your Identity he says

But there will always be the open web for the geeks, the misfits, the eccentrics, the control freaks, and any other term we can think of to proudly express our healthy skepticism of giving up too much control over what really should be ours.

He was a co-founder of Tumblr, which offered custom domain support free from its inception.

If you're not paying, you're the product Own Your Words Dave Winer Jon Udell

Use majors for syndication

Tantek talks about On Silos vs an Open Social Web looking at why the silos are far more attractive to people.

expressed the POSSE philosophy -- Publish Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere

this is much smarter than my facebook approach of avoiding it as much as possible.

celik? Anil? Steps/Degrees blog; tumblog

Use services that will liberate your data google so far wordpress/blogger -- can move entire blogs flickr

IndieWebCamp has some good resources to get started.

Tags: internet

Date created: 2013-04-07