Show your work!

I've been reading Austin Kleon's Show Your Work!, which is a nice little book.

A few things I appreciate about the book

  • you can't find your voice if you don't use it
  • Mememto mori
  • share something small regularly (though I think daily is too much, thinking about it daily makes sense)
  • share work (does it pass the So What test?).

I enjoyed his Steal Like an Artist! as well.

I'm usually quite reticent to share stuff-- like who am I to waste your time? But I think I should just share stuff and leave determining its significance up to others. Oversharing shouldn't be a problem.

Around 7 years ago I set up this platform (really a script), to make it easy to write a markdown file in Dropbox and have it show up here in a nice enough sort of way. And then I didn't bother to use it.

I'm going to add some retrospective stuff to begin with, to get into the habit.

Posted on 2021-02-07
tags: books